Blade Runner 2049: Nexus Protocol Board Game


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In Blade Runner 2049: Nexus Protocol, step into the dystopian world of replicants and humans, where detectives, citizens, and the iconic Rick Deckard compete to expose the insidious replicant posing as a human. Unveil the mystery as you use your influence to connect with contacts, gather crucial information, and reveal evidence. But beware, the replicant remains clueless about their true identity, adding an exciting twist to the game.

Unleash your deductive skills and strategy in this immersive tabletop experience that offers endless replayability. With engaging gameplay lasting around 30 minutes, this game is perfect for game nights, gatherings, or even quick rounds during breaks. Suitable for players aged 14 and above, Blade Runner 2049: Nexus Protocol combines intense deduction with a dash of deception, creating an unforgettable gaming experience.

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Uncover the Hidden Replicant in Blade Runner 2049: Nexus Protocol – The Ultimate Deduction Game!

Welcome to the dark and atmospheric world of Blade Runner 2049: Nexus Protocol, where the line between humans and replicants is blurred.

A Web of Deception

In this gripping deduction game, you find yourself amidst a web of deception and intrigue, tasked with identifying the replicant posing as a human. The stakes are high, as not even the replicant knows their true identity.

Play Your Role

As a detective, citizen, or the legendary Rick Deckard, you must use your influence to meet contacts, gather vital information, and strategically reveal evidence to expose the hidden enemy. Will you successfully unveil the replicant, or will you be retired before you have a chance?

Immersive Experience

This game offers an immersive tabletop experience that keeps players engaged from start to finish. With gameplay lasting approximately 30 minutes, it’s the perfect choice for game nights, gatherings, or even quick rounds during breaks.

A Challenge Awaits

Suitable for players aged 14 and above, this deduction game combines intense strategy with a dash of deception, providing an unforgettable gaming experience. Every game of Blade Runner 2049: Nexus Protocol presents a unique challenge, ensuring high replayability.

Strategic Choices

Strategic decision-making lies at the heart of Blade Runner 2049: Nexus Protocol. Will you take on the role of a detective, using your investigative skills to gather evidence? Or perhaps you prefer to blend in as a citizen, quietly observing and making crucial alliances? The choice is yours, but remember, one wrong move can lead to the replicant’s escape and your own downfall.

Immersive World

Immerse yourself in the iconic world of Blade Runner 2049 with stunning artwork, thematic elements, and atmospheric gameplay. This game immerses players in a suspenseful world of lies and secrets, keeping them engaged.

The Hunt Begins

Unleash your deductive skills, embrace the thrill of the hunt, and discover the hidden replicant in Blade Runner 2049: Nexus Protocol. The fate of humanity rests in your hands. Can you survive the darkness that lurks within?

🔑 Key Benefits:

  1. Thrilling Deduction: Unravel the replicant’s identity among characters, keeping all on the edge of their seats in immersive gameplay.
  2. Endless Fun: Hidden roles and diverse paths to victory in Blade Runner 2049: Nexus Protocol guarantee fresh challenges and boundless entertainment.
  3. Quick and Engaging: Enjoy intense gameplay sessions lasting around 30 minutes, making it ideal for both casual and dedicated gamers.
  4. Strategic Decision-Making: Utilize your influence, meet contacts, and gather crucial information to expose the hidden replicant, testing your deductive and strategic skills.
  5. Iconic Blade Runner Theme: Immerse yourself in the atmospheric world of Blade Runner 2049, with stunning artwork and thematic elements that bring the dystopian future to life.


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